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Clonee Sawmills

By October 1, 2014 No Comments


Clonee Sawmills LOGO greenBig Red Book recently had a chance to catch up with Theresa from Clonee Sawmills to find out what it’s like running a business with three generations of experience and what she likes in her down time.

Big Red Book

Theresa, please tell us a bit about Clonee Sawmills and its history?


Here at Clonee we have 3 generations of experience in manufacturing which allows us to offer the best quality timber garden products. We are also proud to introduce our new and innovative Create a Gate product to the marketplace.

Big Red Book

What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone starting up?


Customers need to trust you. Never make promises you can’t deliver on and never blame others for not delivering on your promise.

Big Red Book

Can you mention one time you pulled out all the stops for a customer?


Honestly no because we try to pull out all the stops for every single customer.

Big Red Book

Who is your favourite business hero?


Denis O’Brien, he admits to his business mistakes and has learnt from them. Now he’s a world player who promotes philanthropy, Ireland and also supports the Ireland soccer team no matter what!

Big Red Book

What’s your favourite app on your smartphone?


Drop box because its so easy to share photos and files

Big Red Book

Tell us your favourite film and why?


The Matrix! The scene when he pulls out the filing cabinet, the deja vu when the cat walks by….I still check my back to see if I’ve been plugged in!

Big Red Book

Why did you choose Big Red Book?


We chose Big Red Book for its simplicity. The benefit we find is that members who are not computer literate can use BRB with ease.

If you want to find out more about Clonee Sawmills check out their website here